Pure British Beeswax 1 kg Block – FOOD GRADE


The colour may vary as we do not tamper unnecessarily with the wax, just steam melt, filter and cast them into 1 kg blocks. Our beeswax which we harvest from The Hive Honey Shop own apiaries is an unaffected & natural renewable resource, working alongside nature. We gather extra honeycombs and wild beeswax honeycombs to render into our smart handy 1 kg blocks. You save money with our 1 kg blocks, as we have saved time making them! (hand pouring each 28g block takes a lot of careful time) Same pure food grade beeswax but in a larger economical size.

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BIG 1 kg block size. 100% pure, unadulterated British Beeswax. Our beeswax is FOOD GRADE rated as we DO NOT ADD chemicals, bleaches, oils, synthetic waxes, colouring, fragrance or sugars. It is our best honeycomb hand collected from our beehives and wide filtered through cotton muslin using only steam. See the photos within.

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