Rosh HaShanah is the celebration of the Jewish New Year from the evening of September 8th to September 10th 2010. As part of this festival apples are dipped in pure honey to symbolize a sweet year. After the apple is dipped in the honey a proper blessing to god for his compassion and request that he renew another sweet year.
Many Rabbis are ordering their honeys from The Hive Honey Shop for this important holiday because The Hive Honey Shop sell pure unadulterated honey and keep all their honey separate during harvesting, preparation and bottling. All the equipment is marked and separated so no other food source comes in contact with the honey. This is an important consideration as other foods are seen as bringing bad omens to the New Year.
Honey is a symbol that helps bring a prosperous and successful New Year to those celebrating Rosh HaShanah. The land of Israel is often called ‘The land of milk and honey’.
Shana Tova Umetukah!
(A Good and Sweet Year!)
photo copyright 2010 ©-The Hive Honey Shop